Pig Vegan. >Wersja polska.
consume e.g. soy cutlets & pills with e.g. B12. I don't consume
animal products (meat, milk, eggs, honey, fishes, caviar, etc.). So I'm
vegan - since spring 2005. I feel better than before. Maybe changing of
diet should be done gradually (e.g. at first, stop eating of beef, next pork,
next white meat, next fishes, next eggs, next milk products).

>My favourite dishes & supplementation.

>Free mp3s - I stopped playing a guitar because of animal glue.
>Free slides.


contact: vegantom@o2.pl I apologize if I may not read the message. I am having problems with my spam filter.
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tags: Piggish Vegan, Vegan Świński, pigvegan, tubant futafon, v.80.pl
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