<back Reforms (maybe when more people will be vegans):
1. Painless killing of animals (e.g. ether,
2. Eating of homeless cats & dogs.
3. The partition of work - the work duty.
Liquidation of: bullfights, castration
of pigs etc., fattening of gooses with the pipe, experiments on
animals, forced circumcisions, earmarking of cows, etc., ringing
of birds,
school duty, teaching of e.g. history in the public schools, the
capital punishment, driving licences, feeding of wild animals (except
of jackdaws and little birds), mowing of lawns, etc.
5. Not-obligatory
& shorter service in armies, rather legalization of
& euthanasia; the tax on cars, aeroplanes, & faster
motorcycles; the chemical castration of rapists.
-The great importance of referendum: yes.
electoral system: Single-mandate constituencies with second round. All
e.g. judges should be elected by universal suffrage.
-No public money for culture, religion & sport.
-Instead of the school duty, there should be the exam for work.
-The Social care for the poorest: yes.
-Decentralization, privatization (of e.g. Health Service), competitiveness: yes.
-There should be a tax so that more people live in blocks of flats and less in single-family houses.
-Dead people should be made into cat food.
-Energy from biomass and trash, hydrogen vehicles: yes.
-Progressive buisness income tax: yes. That there would be more small businesses and fewer large companies.
-The aggressive alcoholics should be treated with Esperal without approval.
-For the medical experiments, there should be used the aggressive alcoholics, the prisoners, etc.
-Instead of prisons, there should be the labor camps.
progress of societies: monarchy > oligarchy > democracy >
anarchy; feudalism > capitalism > national liberalism.
-Maybe in the
future: anarchy (the power to army & police); maybe next:
the liquidation of: street lamps, money,
army, police, etc.
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