<powrót                  Pagan Love - in.

-Sitting in a chair causes many diseases (eg bad pelvic tilt).
-Sometimes I give something "prey to the house elves". For example, not to overuse the leftovers from the pan.
-Relaxation of eg face and spine. Diaphragmatic breathing. Stretching with exhalation. Chest forward, straight backbone. ("Loose" > Diaphragm > Stretching with exhalation). Eg, at first: Relaxation of eyes.

>Google: meat ldl cholesterol death.
-I met many people who started treatment for depression and got schizophrenia. Generally, I'm an opponent of medicines, that effects on serotonin.
-I use a 55W hair machine for dogs and cats.
-Vitamin A ointment is good. Vitamin A accelerates healing.

>Google: looking screen makes stupid.
-I cut my mustache, etc. with scissors.
-I wipe off the dust with eg an old sock. Then I put the dust into WC. After that, I use this sock as a ablution sponge.
-"Loose" > A plan.

-While brushing my teeth, I spit in the toilet.
-When walking, I often assume the pose of an Asian wanderer. For example, I look straight ahead.
-On walks, I sometimes clean my nose with a dead leaf.
-If there were someone good and all-powerful, then there would be no evil (eg cancer).

-"You're gonna meet some gentle people there. (...) Summertime will be a love-in there". (Scott McKenzie "San Francisco").
-I removed an earwax at home, with not too warm water from a big syringe without needle. 15 minutes before it I used paraffin.
-Sounds of Surrounding: Upgraded Music: "Music" for Cyberman. Window: Upgraded Screen.
>Different Connections.
